
Here in Monterey, we look to be about in the middle of Cali so I'm not sure if it falls into the NorCal or SoCal category.  I shall call it MoCal.

MoCal is worthy of its own heading because here we are in Steinbeck country and John Steinbeck's Travels with Charley served as the initial inspiration for a tour around the USA.  I wanted to reread it along the way, but Christian refused to carry "a library" around the country.  Couldn't argue against that since I hadn't read a page by the time we reached Yosemite.  

We biked the "17-Mile Drive" - a scenic loop around the Monterey peninsula between Monterey and Carmel-by-the-Sea.  It was glorious.

Here is the lone Cypress tree:

Gazing at the beach in Carmel from the shade of the Cypress trees.