July 26, 2016: DNC, Wikileaks & the Convention

Wikileaks' latest release confirms what many have long suspected and it's sickening to hear people even justify the DNC's actions by saying, "no surprise they didn't want an Independent winning the nomination" or other defenses to that effect.  Even stronger than the vindication I feel, is the maddening frustration I feel that the DNC is still so blinded by their inexplicable love for Clinton, that they are in complete DENIAL.  Despite Sanders' endorsement, despite Michelle Obama's 'amazing' speech, despite TRUMP, despite the President's endorsement, Clinton is still sinking in the polls.  Nate Silver's poll from yesterday shows Trump winning with 57%.  WHY is the Democratic party being so blind & ignorant to the polls?!  Polls have shown for months that Sanders has a much better chance at defeating Trump than Clinton does, but the arrogant & stubborn DNC would rather gamble with the country's future with their terrible, establishment candidate than lose face over a Sanders nomination.  Tonight's roll call will be interesting...