
Wednesday morning and Biden is ahead in an extremely tight election with focus on good ol' PA and mail-in ballots in particular.

Stephen Colbert made a smartass comment that the human body isn't designed to expound this much energy on Pennsylvania - typical, arrogant, elistist Democrat.

Cousin Gina commented that it's so depressing this race is even close - shows how out of touch Establishment Democrats are living in their bubbles of delusion.

Uncle Doug says they voted for the 'good guys' - what will or would change with a Biden administration?

Biden will not ban fracking, will not support the Green New Deal or Medicare for All, and doesn't want to ameliorate the Supreme Court or voting processes. Hypocritical Democrats are whining about supposed voter supression when they themselves are the masters of that as demonstrated throughout the 2016 and 2020 primaries.

Biden is a joke and doesn't seem to possess the mental capacity to run the country since he can't even form full sentences off-script. Is this the best you can come up with, DNC?! You'd rather lose to Trump AGAIN than risk nominating even a slightly progressive candidate? We could tell the DNC was trying to push Kamala down our throats in the primary and after a pathetic primary campaign that excited nobody; now she's been designated VP. The entire Biden-Harris platform revolves around not being Trump.

To reiterate, I do not like Trump and did not vote for him, but that doesn't mean that I have to support and accept the Democratic nominee. The entire media has long been squashing any dissent - appallingly including the Intercept and Democracy Now - and I've acutely felt it within my own family, primarily from Uncle Jeff, when I supported Bernie (I was told "no politics on the family chain" when I encouraged NJ relatives to vote for Bernie in the 2016 primary, but now the message group has been rife with pro-Biden BS). Another common suppression tactic is condescendingly telling someone that they're negative and don't stand for anything or don't like anyone. False: my passionate support for Bernie in 2016 and briefly in 2020 and my longstanding support for the Green Party attests to my hopefulness for the future. Many voters simply feel absolutely no connection to or representation in the two old, center-right, white guys on the ballot.

Dissent, suppression, and this election's results aside, we must end the corrupt Dem-Rep duopoly that represents an increasingly minute portion of Americans. If Biden wins, people can't go back to sleep thinking there's an old, harmless lune at the helm - we need to change the composition of the ship and hope there are more options for captain 2024.