
1 loaf or ~10-12 cups bread cubes
4 cups diced shrooms
1 1/3 cups chopped, toasted pecans
1/2 cup olive oil (and/or butter)
1/2 cup minced fresh sage or 1 tbsp. dried sage leaves
1 large onion, finely chopped
1 leek, white part only, finely chopped
4 celery stalks
2 cloves garlic
4 cups vegetable broth
1/4 cup minced, fresh parsley

Heat oil until simmering, then add chopped shrooms and cook until moisture has evaporated, ~8 mins.  Add half of sage and cook until mushrooms are browned, ~5 mins.  Add onion, leek, celery, garlic, remaining sage and cook until vegetables are softened, ~10 mins.  Add broth, half of parsley, and chopped pecans and bring to a boil.  Fold in bread cubes.  Bake covered for ~30 mins., then uncovered for ~10 mins. until golden brown and crisp on top.  Cool for ~5 mins., sprinkle with remaining parsley, et voilà!